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Exciting Events Ahead

Join us for special one-off events hosted at the center. Spring break? PD days? Holidays from school? Summer break? We got you covered! We will post any upcoming events here! Keep your eyes peeled!

March 13th Sleepover: Join us for our semi-annual sleepover! This years theme is FANDOM; we want to see you in your favourite sports jerseys, band tees, or dressing up as your favourtie book/movie character! 
March 17th PD Day Camp: we will be hosting a day camp to keep everyone busy and out of trouble! Come search for shamrocks, win pots of gold, make some gnome planters and spend some time outside with us! 
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BGCL Youth Centre would like to acknowledge that we hold our programs on Treaty 7 Land, the traditional territory of the Niitsitapi, Nakoda, and Tsuut'ina nations, as well as the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region III.

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